A pharmacology degree prepares you to work for pharmaceutical companies, in pharmaceutical laboratories, in pharmacies, or at clinics or hospitals. Industrial distribution involves selling and supplying items to manufacturers and distributors. Graduates with a degree in industrial distribution are in demand and employers often find they are in short supply, making this a great degree for the future with plenty of employment options. Another skill all businesses must tap into is effective advertising.

Indian universities outside of the top rung (IITs et al.) have been issuing worthless degrees for at least 3 decades. In my state during the 90s tech/outsourcing boom a lot of corrupt politicians realized that engineering education was a gold mine and opened degree factories all over the state. I graduated from a supposedly «reputable» university in 2004 and was basically unemployable on graduation.

Siôn joined the CareerAddict content team in 2017 and has written over 200 articles on a wide variety of career-related issues, including entrepreneurship, web and tech, and the modern workplace. He has extensive experience in a variety of fields including healthcare, digital marketing and corporate finance. In his spare time, Siôn enjoys heavy metal concerts, family walks and John le Carré novels. Communications is a strangely vague degree, in that it is applicable to almost any form of media, visual arts or broadcasting.

It has the world’s largest population by some estimates, and the government regularly highlights the benefits of having more young people than any other country. Yet half of all graduates in India are unemployable in the future due to problems in the education system, according to a study by talent assessment firm Wheebox. Many businesses say they struggle to hire because of the mixed quality of education.

most useless degrees in india

And a recent new study revealed more than half of all teachers in this country want to quit. In fact, some of the most educated young people there are unemployed. «I paid a small fortune to study arts management, and now I am a florist . I was heavily influenced by my family that college was something you had to do to be successful, and now I regret it daily.» Despite the points mentioned in this article, your college experience is something to be cherished.

The average salary for an employee with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is $85,354. The average salary for a software engineer is $83k annually, software developers earn an average of $69k per year, and senior software engineers are paid an average annual salary of $115k. But college degrees are losing their value in terms of investment of hard work to crack the entrance exam, money, time, efforts, etc. A college degree is just not what it once was decades ago in many fields of study. There was a time when just having a college degree almost guaranteed a person a good job. When I was a teenager, my parents said that I must get a college degree.

There is No Such Thing as a «Useless Degree»

There is still demand for skilled tech workers, but many technical colleges are not producing them. Nobody mentioned the problem of Indian «high context society». Plenty of developer jobs are open, but I also know lots of CS grads who never found jobs, even two years out of university. I think what is to blame as well was the fact that the path was all too easy and clear , finish engineering , pass through some quant tests , 3 month bootcamp and lo you have your job . There might be some students that are just as good as the top ivy league students but in a smaller faculty (~100 students) that number is most likely closer to zero.

most useless degrees in india

Students also learn how chemicals react with each other and even how to create new chemical compounds that can improve and help many businesses and industries. Biotechnology is a blend of biology and technology that is poised for explosive growth in the future. As technology pushes forward, the field of biotechnology works on ways that new technology can help heal, treat, and allow people to live better quality lives. The average salary for someone with a BS in Biochemistry degree is $72,214. The average annual salary of someone with a BS in Physics degree is $86,600.

At the same time, though, it’s not focused enough to render you with specialized skills. It doesn’t particularly help that a lot of media forms are dying out, either, due to the increase in the use of social media. “My sense is that the abundance of unemployable engineers is impacting the bottom rung,” said Nitin Sharma, a venture capitalist based in Bengaluru.

How To Learn Faster And Smarter

Civil engineers earn an average annual salary of $66,733. Chemical engineering can earn an average annual salary of $74,918. Electrical engineers earn an average annual salary of $76,052 not including bonuses, commissions, or profit-sharing. A computer science degree is focused https://1investing.in/ on writing code in many programming languages and developing software systems, which are a big deal in the world now and for the foreseeable future. This degree is very versatile, as software systems are used in all manners of business and businesses of every size.

The average salary for a physical therapist is $71,422 annually. The average annual salary for registered nurses is $64,992. Business managers typically earn a salary between $39k and $109k annually. However, those with a degree in business are qualified for many other positions that may be more lucrative.

«I needed an advance degree to actually find a decent job.» «‘WhAt CaN YoU EvEn Do wItH ThAt?’ they always snark. In marketing and communications — which depends heavily on research and human truths — you can do a lot.» If you’re looking to express your creative mindset, this degree isn’t it. The first is the increasing number of professor to student ratio, where some lecture halls seat over 500+ students per professor. This makes it incredibly difficult to develop a genuine relationship. This also leads to receiving general and unspecific advice from professors.

Then my high school dance teacher suggested I pursue dance at the college level. While few people doubt the value of a post-secondary education, it’s also probably true that in practical terms, not all degrees are created equal. A business administration degree, for example, would generally be considered more handy when it comes to applying for jobs than a degree is semiotics . «I graduated with a degree in philosophy. Today, I work in finance. I found it difficult to find a good paying job when I mentioned my major, despite going to one of the nation’s highest-ranked colleges.»

Pankaj Tiwari, 28, says he paid Rs 1,00,000 for a master’s degree in digital communication because he wanted a job and higher status in society. That was a big outlay for his family, which has an annual income of Rs 4,00,000. Though his college had promised campus placements, no company turned up and he’s still unemployed four years later. «There is a gap between what the industries are looking at and the course curriculum they have gone through.»

Top 10 Stressors in Life (And How to Cope with Them)

An online medical degree allows students to study whenever they want, and the programs are often cheaper than on-campus courses. According to the bureau of labor statistics, a Mechanical engineering degree can earn you an average annual salary of $71,083. Biomedical engineers earn an average salary of $67,000 per year not including bonuses, profit sharing, and the opportunity for significant commissions. Electrical engineering and computer engineering are two of the fastest-growing fields in the U.S. today with only a bachelor’s degree required for entry-level jobs!.

  • A degree in finance provides an education not only in general finance but in private equity and venture capital schemes as well.
  • According to the bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary for finance managers is $91,919.
  • With a lack of scribes making bible scrolls, the printing press was invented along with the codex, or book, as its commonly known.
  • Conversely if you do not acquire proficiency in multiple languages, you might have to search for an employer willing to hire you based solely on this language skill set.
  • I sympathize and I think the situation is doubly-lamentable because if black students are having their grades inflated due to their race, then that means they are also getting a worse education because of it.

Those who do not get those high paying jobs will live an impoverished life. In a society where money equates to opportunity, impoverishment equates to misery. The other issue, I think, is students working on degrees in a particular field because they want a job, not because they are interested in the topic. I saw this on college first hand when I worked in a computer lab. I’d get post-grad computer science students asking how to format a floppy disk.


Moreover — the use of a 25-year-old IDE is symptomatic of a more general problem in Indian CS curricula. Many instructors are teaching to a syllabus which was set in stone many years ago. More importantly, thanks to the online analytics we’re given insight into, the consumers can influence the marketing and advertising trends so advertising is focused purely on what consumers want. The bad news is that there are still employers that value the college diploma more than additional extensions to your degree and will look at that as the primary factor when employing you.

People say this because, in many courses, the subjects we study are not directly relevant to the jobs that we take up, or whatever we do later in life. My uncle is a well-recognized biblical scholar so there was some influence there, even if he never recognized my undergrad efforts. I was, and still am, interested most useless degrees in india in what makes people tick, and how we see the world around us. I also secretly wanted the degree so I could start a cult. I think part of me is a bit sad that I didn’t get as much out of university as I could have, because I am super privileged to have been able to go, and have my parents pay for it.

While this may be a tongue-in-cheek generalization, it’s certainly true that becoming an effective communicator does not require four expensive years at university, and your time could undoubtedly be better spent. On the surface, a degree in fashion design isn’t necessarily a lost cause. Indeed, in an industry where who you know is just as important as what you know, the chance to build some contacts within the industry is actually quite useful.

First there are not a lot of talented people and even with a large population there are not enough. Second, significant education is needed to make that talent effective and many of the few talented cannot actually get one. This reduces the effect of a larger population even more. Some of the ivy league schools have skill gaps for real work but seem to be good for things like being an PHB / CEO / leader ship / etc. A lot of them have not even learned the basics and a large number of those who have learned well, seem to have learned well despite their degree and not because of it.

As a result, the golden ticket we were promised rarely leads to our desired job upon graduation, if at all. According to the U.S Department of Labor, 53.6% of college graduates under the age of 25 are either unemployed or underemployed. This churns out students with no basic arithmetic skills even at the age of 10 and 12.